Do you dare?

Young Girls

"In general, female and male students perform equally well in mathematics and science on standardized tests, but larger gaps exist between students of different racial and ethnic backgrounds or family income, with white and Asian/Pacific Islander students and those from higher income families scoring higher than their counterparts who are black, Hispanic, or American Indian/Alaska Native or who are from lower income families"-ngcproject.org

Do you explore?


"While the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that technology professionals will experience the highest growth in job numbers between now and 2030, only a fraction of girls and women are likely to pursue degrees that enable them to fulfill these news jobs.”-news.microsoft.com

Do you dare?

Adult Women

“In 2012, white women earned 6,777 PhDs in STEM fields. On the other hand, white men earned 8,478 PhD degrees. For African American women, that number dwindles to 684—10 times fewer scientific doctorates than their white counterparts. With only 3.5% of STEM bachelor degrees, Latina women face an even larger obstacle.”

Do you disrupt?

How Do We Stop This Issue?

If the problem starts in childhood, that’s where we start the process. Parents and educators can usher young women (especially black and brown girls) into STEM careers with lifestyle-driven educational programs that ignite creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. For more information visit websites such as:
  • Afterschool studios for girls! Research shows that girls do better in math and science in all-girl settings.
  • Workshops that ignite creativity and critical thinking! STEM Saturdays are the best days to engage girls in project based learning activities that gives an exceptional chemistry experience.
  • Empowering girls with real STEM enrichment programs! Implement programs that are standards based, best practiced, project-based, and requires critical and divergent thinking.
Be the Change.

"Don't let fear keep you quiet. You have a voice, so use it; speak up, raise your hands, shout your answers, make yourself heard. Whatever it takes, just find your voice, and when you do; fill the damn silence."-Meredith Grey"